Friday, July 12, 2024

Teach the children a helping way...

This is a quote excerpted from a conversation between a Lakota Sioux elder and the author of  a wonderful book I've just read (see below). It speaks to the importance of living a life of generosity, focused on vision, not fear.

"In the old way there were no locks on our doors. We had no fences to make lines between 'mine' and 'yours'. To be great among our people was not to gather the most for ourselves, it was to be the biggest giver and sharer and to protect the weak. We honored those who could help the most, not  those who could have the most.

"Once a person starts to live in your way, everything changes, because everything has to be protected. You start making rules about what people can't do, not what people should do. Look at those Ten Commandments you tried to teach us in the boarding school: 'Thou shalt not, thou shalt not.'

"I'd rather have rules that say, 'You should, you should.' It teaches us who we should be, not who we should not be. All your way does is tell someone how not to be bad. It doesn't tell them how to be good.

"When we teach the children this fear way, we set their feet on a bad path. We teach them to grow up thinking about themselves. Sharing is just a small stick they hold out to other people, not the strongest branch on the tree of their lives. They learn to protect, not to give, and it builds a wall around their hearts.

"We need to change this. We need to teach them a helping way. We need to teach them that the way to be strong is to help the weak; the way to have wealth is to give things away; the way to lead is to serve. We need to let them know that they are an important part of the circle of life, and if they do not play their part, no one else can.

"If we teach them these things they will have hope in their hearts."

                                                          from "The Wolf at Twilight - An Indian
                                                           Elder's Journey through a 
                                                           Land of Ghosts and Shadows" p 307-308
                                                             By Kent Nerburn

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Your Body is all in Your Mind!

As many of you know, Chris has been dealing with the fallout of two whip-lash injuries from when he was much younger. This has effected his balance, his digestion and he's been dealing with almost constant tingling in his feet and legs for several years now. We have surmised that all these symptoms could be the result of pinched nerves in his neck. Chris is not really one to put his faith in doctors but he's not willing just to succumb to ever decreasing mobility either so we've been researching alternatives that feel aligned with our beliefs and values.

We are both avid students of A Course in Miracles and read from it every day, seeking to put its principles of radical forgiveness (of self and other) into practice. It's helping our relationship immensely; our communication and sense of shared purpose has been increasingly profoundly, especially in the past year or so. But unfortunately, we hadn't noticed any significant changes in Chris' bodily healing.

Recently, we came across the teachings and practices of Dr Joe Dispenza. Dr Joe (as he's affectionately called) healed himself from a devastating bike injury that damaged six of his vertebra. The surgeons and doctors on his case all told him he was lucky to be alive but that he would probably never walk again and they were all encouraging him to undergo radical spinal surgery. 

Dr Joe opted to commit himself to deep and profound meditations for many hours a day and through the power of connecting to the "quantum field" (God? Life? Source?) he was able to re-frame his perceptions of his body and its injuries such that he experienced a total healing! You can read about some of the highlights of his journey HERE.

Over the years, Dr Joe has researched the scientific basis for his healing and created a system whereby others can also generate profound healing in their own lives. these healings have not been limited to structural damage such as he suffered but range from chronic illnesses, cancer, allergies and just about everything that ails humans!

Chris and I have begun to incorporate videos by and about Dr Joe into our regular viewing queue. We are happy to report that he is experiencing noticeable signs of healing in the conditions outlined above. He's doing other things on a physical level as well but would say that he's getting the best results from the combined practices of meditations based on A Course in Miracles and Dr Joe's teachings.

What follows is an incredibly moving testimonial from a woman helped by Dr Joe's methods. It is followed by a synopsis/interview with him which explain his philosophy and practice succinctly and clearly. May you find inspiration, hope and healing for whatever ails you!


Friday, March 1, 2024

Heaven's Treasures

There was a man who died and found himself in a beautiful place, surrounded by every conceivable comfort. A white-jacketed man came to him and said, "You may have anything you choose--any food--any pleasure--any kind of entertainment."
The man was delighted, and for days he sampled all the delicacies and experiences of which he had dreamed on earth. But one day he grew bored of it, and calling the attendant to him, he said, "I'm tired of all this. I need something to do. What kind of work can you give me?"
The attendant sadly shook his head and replied, "I'm sorry, sir. That's the one thing we can't do for you. There is no work here for you."
To which the man answered, "That's a fine thing. I might as well be in hell."
The attendant said softly, "Where do you think you are?"

From Prosperity is God's Idea by Margaret M. Stevens

Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Incredible "10% Rule" That Every Gardener Should Use for Re-wilding Your Land

(Note: originally posted September 2021). Apparently September is "Organics Month" (who knew!). I can celebrate anything that helps us all live more lightly on the planet with greater health for us, and the other life forms we share the planet with. Here's a sweet video about bringing rewilding down to the personal level; what each of us can achieve in our own backyards and gardens. It can be intimidating to think that one's own small actions don't really make a difference but as oft-quoted Margaret Mead says so powerfully: 

Image credit
Here is a brief description of the video described by its maker, Huw Richards, an organic gardener in England, followed by the link to watch...

"Today's video is something I have been wanting to make for a while to really explore how we as vegetable gardeners can help create more space for wildlife, specifically pollinators whilst also improving food production. The 10% rule is a very simple way that we can make a small change that will lead to great results and is something I feel every vegetable gardener should do on an annual basis. Little steps quickly add up to big changes that make such an incredible difference in the veg garden."

The Incredible "10% Rule" That Every Gardener Should Use 



Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Peter Owen Jones: Beyond Nations, Ownership and Competition

Web of Life - image credit
Imagine a world in which the care of the earth, sky and seas becomes a higher priority than profits, creature-comforts and our personal 'portfolio'. We can kid ourselves that a life in service to our personal family's well-being is a life well-lived. But it's time we moved beyond this narrow definition of "family"; move beyond our identification with a school, an employer or a nation as our 'tribe' and see that, until we live as though the web of life is our family, the natural world is our tribe, we will continue to degrade our planet and the legacy we had hoped to leave for our children will be bankrupt and dead.

Please watch this short, rousing Ted-talk by Peter Owen Jones in which he addresses these topics and more.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Wim Hof - Benefits of Cold Showers

For several years, Chris and I have been following the work of Wim Hof (affectionately know as the Iceman! - image: left). He recommends taking cold showers and ice-baths for their health and spiritual benefits.
We don't shower every day (so only do this practice 2-3 times a week), and we always begin our showers with hot/warm water. At the end of the shower we turn it all the way to cold (which, because our water comes from a well, can be pretty darn cold!) 
Sometimes I turn it straight to the coldest setting and and other times I work my way gradually through increasingly colder and colder settings. Then I linger for a minute or two running the cold water all over my face, back, armpits, belly, legs and feet.
It was very hard to develop this habit at first but eventually the benefits became so apparent that now I find myself looking forward to it.
I notice that the cold showers decrease inflammation in my body, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression and seem to help me be more comfortable in cold weather. Here's an article, based on scientific studies of the Benefits of Cold Showers.

I greatly enjoyed this 31 minute documentary about Wim too. Big Pharma VS Wim Hof