Thursday, February 13, 2025

An Amazing Synchronicity! (and a woman who's lived 'money-free' for ten years!)

 An amazing synchronicity!!!

Yesterday, I came across an article about a woman in Australia who "...quit her job and closed her bank account ten years ago. Today, she’s more committed than ever to her moneyless life".

I found her story to be so inspiring that I immediately copied the URL and switched to my email account to record it with the thought of sharing it through my network at a later time. As I opened my inbox, there was an email that had just been sent four minutes earlier (!) by a dear friend in Vermont who had also just been reading the exact same article and had copied the URL to send to ME since she thought I'd be interested. What are the odds of that happening?!

Here are a few quotes from the article to whet your appetite:

"All through history, true security has always come from living in community."
“I love being at home and I love the challenge of meeting our needs without money – it’s like a game.”
“It’s very different to bartering or trading, which involves thinking in a monetary, transactional way: I’ll give you this if you give me that. In the early days people would say, ‘Come and do this for me and I’ll give you such and such in return.’ And I’d say, ‘No, I’ll just come and do the work and you don’t have to give me anything’.”
“I actually feel more secure than I did when I was earning money,” she says, “because all through human history, true security has always come from living in community and I have time now to build that ‘social currency’. To help people out, care for sick friends or their children, help in their gardens. That’s one of the big benefits of living without money.”
And remember: "The miracle is this: The more we share, the more we have."

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