Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Good news about Re-wilding Our Planet

Hello friends - Just last week we were looking out our backyard window during midday and there was a beautiful, full-grown grey fox just sauntering through our meadow! We'd been having concern that the three neighborhood cats who consider our 3-acres their backyard, have been over-hunting the rodents that also call our place home, thereby reducing food for the wild creatures that depend on them. But sight of the fox eased my fears. He or she looked radiant with health with a thick and lustrous coat and tail. No signs of hunger there!

Grey Fox - image credit: Susan Tenney

Here's a re-post of an article I wrote a few years ago on our Sharing Gardens site about living cooperatively with the wild animals in our small-town/rural neighborhood. 

It seems we could all use some good news about things that are going right on the planet these days. Here are a multitude of articles I came across recently about efforts to preserve habitat, and breed endangered animals for re-release back into the wild.

Ambitious Reforestation Project Will Plant 3 Million Trees in Uganda  

How maverick re-wilders are trying to turn back the tide of extinction

With 14,000 Critical Acres Added to Montana Wildlife Reserve, It May Become the Largest in the Lower 48

Ducks Unlimited and the University of Florida working together for conservation at the DeLuca Preserve 

Gone For a Century, Plant Finally Shows Itself When Conservation Work on ‘Ghost Pond’ Stirs Up Hidden Seed 

China's Yangtze River Basin to Recover Biodiversity 

50 Countries Just Joined New Coalition to Protect 30% of the Planet’s Land and Oceans By Decade’s End

There are lots of small ways we can each help create a healthier planet, through our consumer choices and the way we live our lives. Thank you to each of you reading this for all the ways you are contributing to solutions! Love, Llyn


  1. Love your election post...let's 'elect' animal kin of all kinds!

  2. Yes! Personhood for all of Nature! (not for corporations...). Love, llyn


Hello - thanks for taking the time to leave a comment on our blog. Llyn and Chris - Sharing Gardens