Thursday, January 6, 2022

Gregg Braden: Inspiration and Excitement for the World's Healing

"The sooner we can all agree that humanity, and Life as a whole, comes from a common, divine Creator, the sooner we can find ways to honor and live in balance with this sacred Life-force." 
Occasionally I'll come across a video that lights me up with inspiration and excitement for the world's healing. The following video is just that sort! Here is a compelling interview of Gregg Braden, "scientist, researcher and explorer" by George Noory, founder of one of the longest-running and most listened to radio shows exploring the paranormal.

Gregg Braden is a unique thought-leader. His roots are firmly in empirical science yet he couples these with a deep respect for the sacred and spiritual. his life-work has been a synthesis of the two. Trained in geology, he actually worked in the military-defense industry at the tail-end of the cold war between the USA and U.S.S.R.. Concerned that his work might be contributing more to the world's problems than to solutions he began a decades-long quest to seek out the wisdom-keepers of ancient spiritual texts in Egypt, Peru and Tibet to find knowledge for how to heal the many ills of modern society.

He has a highly attuned sense for pattern recognition and has used this ability in researching one of his latest books, The God Code, which brings together these disparate passions of his by exploring the corollaries between ancient spiritual texts and modern genetics. The message of this video will give you new hope that humanity can finally unite under the banner of our common origins and what it means if, as his research suggests, we are the result of some sort of divine consciousness' intentional creative act.

If you are a hard-core scientist/atheist, please don't be deterred by the spiritual, anti-orthodox nature of this video. There's something here for everyone!

Video's Title: This DNA Discovery Is Completely Beyond Imagination | Gregg Braden

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