Saturday, January 6, 2024

Wim Hof - Benefits of Cold Showers

For several years, Chris and I have been following the work of Wim Hof (affectionately know as the Iceman! - image: left). He recommends taking cold showers and ice-baths for their health and spiritual benefits.
We don't shower every day (so only do this practice 2-3 times a week), and we always begin our showers with hot/warm water. At the end of the shower we turn it all the way to cold (which, because our water comes from a well, can be pretty darn cold!) 
Sometimes I turn it straight to the coldest setting and and other times I work my way gradually through increasingly colder and colder settings. Then I linger for a minute or two running the cold water all over my face, back, armpits, belly, legs and feet.
It was very hard to develop this habit at first but eventually the benefits became so apparent that now I find myself looking forward to it.
I notice that the cold showers decrease inflammation in my body, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression and seem to help me be more comfortable in cold weather. Here's an article, based on scientific studies of the Benefits of Cold Showers.

I greatly enjoyed this 31 minute documentary about Wim too. Big Pharma VS Wim Hof 


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