Wednesday, February 5, 2020

How to Truly Listen - Evelyn Glennie

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If this deaf percussion player doesn't capture your heart's interest in the first minute of watching her then you can just turn it off and go about your day! Evelyn Glennie speaks with presence and clarity on topics such as deep listening and discrimination in the arts (and art schools) against people with disabilities. Stick around for her solo performance at the end of the video; it's no wonder that the TedTalk organizers extended their usual maximum presenter time of 20 minutes for an additional 15 minutes!

In these first few days since having watched (and listened!) to this video, as I've been out in the gardens pruning our fruit trees, or standing at the kitchen sink doing dishes by hand, Glennie's invitation to "listen with my whole body" has been a way to keep the door open to the kind of bright, all-encompassing presence to, and appreciation for life that I usually only feel after a session of deep, sitting meditation. Enjoy!