Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Keep Going Song - The Bengsons

My friend Jan sent me a link to a song that really touched my heart so I want to share it with you too. It's a song for our times. A spontaneous prayer to connect us all and fill our hearts with all the deepest, most rich feelings we are capable of and give us the courage to just Keep Going on! Much love, Llyn

If you are curious (as I was) to learn about the background of the song and the people who created it, here is a wonderful, informative post by Aimsel Ponti. 

And, if you'd like to send a love-note to the Bengsons, here is their Facebook page.


  1. Wonderful song---thanks so much for sharing

  2. Oh, I love this we need this encouragement so much in these times--Keep Going ONNNNN!! Thank you.



Hello - thanks for taking the time to leave a comment on our blog. Llyn and Chris - Sharing Gardens