Monday, October 31, 2022

Waste to Taste - Feeding Lane County

An excellent article about a food charity called Waste to Taste, in Eugene, Oregon (about 25 minutes from where we live) that collects and redistributes food "waste" to those in need. 

According to the article, "Nearly 46,000 tons, or 31% of Lane County’s total solid landfill waste, is made up of food waste, according to reporting done by the Register Guard this year. Jesselyn Perkins, project coordinator for the Waste to Taste program, says that Waste to Taste receives tens of thousands of pounds of recycled food."

It's uplifting to hear of a volunteer-run program that is making such a positive difference in the community.

Read the full article HERE:  Feeding Lane County

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Heart of Surrender

  "In the heart of surrender, treating people far better than they treat you becomes an acceptable way to live, especially because their inability to treat you well has nothing to do with you, but reflects the kind of relationship they have with themselves.

This allows you to forget how to be a victim, when the unconscious actions of another clearly reveal a heart in need and a lost child in pain."

Matt Kahn
All for Love

Friday, October 21, 2022

What Would Happen If the World Suddenly Went Vegetarian?

This is an excellent, balanced article about the pros and cons of a world of vegetarians or vegans. Though the benefits to personal and planetary health would be unequivocal if people in "developed" countries adopted these lifestyle choices, there would be challenges to people who make a living from the current style of raising meat for mass consumption. There would need to be a transition to shift to other livelihoods. For indigenous cultures, and those cultures dependent on shepherding, nomadic lifestyles, the change would probably lead to worse health outcomes in the short-run and a tragic loss of culture so a shift of this manner would take much more time and coordination. In the long-run though, this shift would also create much benefit for bio-diversity and even personal health.


To read the full article CLICK HERE.